Chemical and Biophysical Instrumentation Center
2 Varian Mercury-300 MHz
2 Bruker Avance-400 MHz
2 Bruker Avance-500 MHz (+ Autotune/match probe)
Varian 500 MHz (Wide-bore)
Varian 600 MHz
Varian 800 MHz
Varian 500 MHz - macromolecular
Varian 600 MHz - macromolecular
2 Varian 400MHz
Agilent 5973 GC/MS
Applied Biosystems, Voyager DE-Pro MALDI-TOF
Waters/Micromass, Alliance-ZQ LC/MS
Rigaku SCXMini Single Crystal XRD
Rigaku 007 HF X-ray generator with Saturn 944+ CCD and Mar 345 dtb IP detectors
Bruker D8-Focus Powder XRD
TTP Labtech Mosquito
Rigaku Alchemist liquid handler
ThermoElectron FT – IR/Raman
Cary 3E UV-VIS
PE-341 Polarimeter
Shimadzu Fluorescence Spectrometer
Applied PhotoPhysics Chirascan CD spectrometer
Horiba Time-Domain Fluorescence Spectrometer
Varian E-9 EPR
Bruker EPR
MicroCal ITC
MicroCall DSC
Beckman Analytical UltraCentrifuge
For further information contact Eric Paulson
Chemistry Glass Shop
Two-stage vacuum system, 10 Torr range
Tip off of apparatus and NMR tube samples, back fill also available
Annealing ovens to 1400 degrees Celsius
For further information on the capabilities of the Glass Shop, contact Daryl Smith.
DNA Analysis Facility on Science Hill
ABI 3130XL
Contact Carol Mariani for further information.
Yale Analytical and Stable Isotope Center
3 Thermo MAT 253 Isotope-Ratio Mass Spectrometer (IRMS)
1 Thermo Delta Plus Advantage Isotope-Ratio Mass Spectrometer (IRMS)
1 Thermo Delta Plus XP Isotope-Ratio Mass Spectrometer (IRMS)
3 Thermo Gas Chromatography-Combustion (GCC) interfaces with Trace GC
1 Thermo H-Device water analyzer
1 Custom-Built Laser Fluorination system
1 Thermo TC/EA carbon reduction/pyrolysis system
1 Thermo GasBench II headspace gas sampler
1 CosTech ECS 4010 Elemental Analyzer (EA)
1 NWR Micromill combination microscope/miller
4 Custom-Built vacuum lines
See website for further detail on instrument configuration or contact Brad Erkkila.
G&G Microprobe
For more information contact James Eckert.
Scintag PAD V diffractometer
For more information contact James Eckert.
XL-30 Environmental SEM
Carbon Coater
For more information, contact Zhenting Jiang.
Gibbs Machine Shop
Lathes and Milling Machines
CNC Lathe
CNC 2 Axis Milling Machines
CNC 3 Axis milling Machine
24-Inch Gap Lathe
Radial Drill Press
8-Foot Hydraulic Shear (1/2 Steel Shearing Capacity)
24-Inch Sheet Metal Brake
Electric Discharge Machine (EDM)
O.D./I.D. and surface grinding machines
Leak Detection
Sand and Dry Peen Blasting
TIG and MIG Welding
Contact Vincent Bernardo for further information about these resources.
Imaging Center on Science Hill
LSM 880 Airyscan Confocal
LSM 510 Confocal
LSM 510 META Confocal
Zeiss Lightsheet Z.1 Microscope
LSM 880 Confocal
Contact Joseph Wolenski for further information about these resources.
Science Hill Flow Cytometery
FACS Aria III sorter
The FACS Aria III sorter has 5 lasers, UV 355nm, V 405nm, B 488nm, Y/G 561nm, and R 635nm. It can detect 18 colors.
Contact Kenneth Nelson for further information about these resources.
Chemical Process:
Acid Bench
Base Bench
Solvent Bench
Soft Lithography Process Bench
Photoresist Bench
Lithography Process Bench
CMOS Chemical Process Area
Special Projects Hood
Karl Suss MJB-3 Contact Mask Aligner
EVG 620 Contact/Proximity Mask Aligner
Heidelberg DWL-66 Laser Mask Writer
TRE Mask Maker
Laurell WS-400 6NPP Spinners
Headway Spinner
APT Plate Developer
YES Vacuum Oven
KLA-Tencor ASIQ Profiler
Rudolph AutoEL II Ellipsometer
Nanometrics NanoSpec 3000 Film Thickness Measurement System
Leitz Inspection Microscope
MCS/AXIC HF-6 Asher/Etcher
Oxford Plasmalab 80 Reactive Ion Etching System
Oxford Plasmalab 100 Reactive Ion Etching System
Group Sciences Inc. Ultradep 1000 PECVD System
CVD Four Tube Diffusion Furnace
Surface Science Integration Solaris Rapid Thermal Processor
Lindburg Anneal Furnace
Box Furnace
Vacuum Deposition:
Edwards Thermal Evaporation System
Denton Infinity 22 E-Beam Thermal Evaporation System
Kurt Lesker EJ1800 Thin Film Deposition System (PETE)
Kurt J. Lesker Supersystem III Series Multisource Deposition System
For information about how to access these resources, contact Yong Sun.
Small Molecule Discovery Center
Robotic liquid handling systems:
Freedom EVO Workstation (Tecan)
Aquarius liquid handler (Tecan)
PlateMatePlus (2, Matrix)
PlateMate2X2 (Matrix)
Several Multidrop 384-well and 96-well liquid dispensers
96 and 384 pin-tools for transfer of 20 or 100 nanoliters
96- and 384-well microtiter plate washers
Envision multi-label plate reader for colorimetric, fluorescent, fluorescence polarization, luminescence, time-resolved fluorescence and ALPHAScreen (3, PerkinElmer)
Pathway multifluorescent/brightfield microscope for microtiter plates (BD Biosciences)
Platereader with liquid dispensing to measure calcium flux, FlexStationII (Molecular Dynamics)
Other Available Equipment:
Centrifuges with plate adaptors
Plate shaker
Barcode printer
Biosafety cabinets
CO2 water-jacketed incubators
Light microscopes, one with epi-fluorescence
Contact Janie Merkel for further details about these resources.
Hitachi SU-70 SEM
Philips/FEI XL 30 SEM
Focused Ion Beam
Veeco Dimension Atomic Force Microscope
Denton Carbon sputtering tool
Contact Micheal Rooks for further information.
Wright Laboratory
Advanced Prototyping Center
Coherent Meta2C laser cutter
Flow NanoJet Abrasive water jet cutter
Formlabs Form2 SLA and Dremel 3D20 FDM 3D printers
Research Support Shop
For use by students and researchers with professional supervision
Hands-on training available
Teaching Shop
For use by students and researchers with professional supervision
Shop classes available during the semester
Professional advice for design and fabrication of projects
Includes mills, lathes, welding shop, fume hood
J.W. Gibbs Professional Shop
Staffed by professional machinists
Precision machining
CNC capability
Work with plastics and exotic metals
For more information, please see