G&G Microprobe
Contact: Jim Eckert
Phone: 203-432-3181
The Yale University microprobe facility houses a JEOL JXA-8530F (FEG) “Hyperprobe” - electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA; aka electron microprobe analyzer, EMPA) - installation of which began in April 2009. This EPMA/SEM functions with state-of-the-art imaging, analytical, and computer-control capabilities. This probe configuration includes five wavelength-dispersive spectrometers (WDS) and a light-element-capable energy-dispersive spectrometer (EDS) with Windows-XP processing software. Hardware and software allow automated operation and data collection, and software accommodates advanced image processing and feature analysis. Additional instrumental details can be accessed here. This lab also includes a turbo-pumped Emitech carbon evaporator/coater, which also includes metal evaporation capability. Jim Eckert is available to answer questions and assist users with all forms of analysis.
For more information please see: https://people.earth.yale.edu/yale-electron-microprobe-sem-laboratory/james-eckert